How Much Is a Plane Ticket to El Salvador

Cheapest Prices for El Salvador flights by month

The cheapest ticket to El Salvador found for each month in 2021 based on historical flight searches by Cheapflights users.

When is the best time to fly to El Salvador?

Average San Salvador El Salvador Intl flight ticket prices and weather conditions for 2021 and 2022 by month.



$435 - $871



87.8 - 93.2 °F



0 - 0.75 inches

Whilst there are several times of the year to choose from, April is seen as the time to fly to El Salvador, however, it is possible to get good deals throughout the year. February tends to be the warmest period in El Salvador so if you are looking for sun or warmer climates then look to fly around this time. May is the wettest if you need to factor this in to your plans.

How long is the flight to El Salvador?

Depending on the city you depart from in the United States, the flight to the largest city in El Salvador, San Salvador, varies. From Houston, the flight to San Salvador is 3h 05m. Los Angeles clocks in at a couple more hours, with an average of about 5h 19m. Dallas is also a quick flight to San Salvador, clocking in at 3h 36m. El Salvador flight deals to the San Salvador El Salvador Intl Airport can help travelers get affordable, quick flights to this Central American getaway. Depending on the number of stops, some flights to San Salvador can take considerably longer, so travelers should ensure they are factoring this into their overall travel time.

Which cities offer direct flights to El Salvador?

A number of major cities throughout the United States offer direct flights to the El Salvador International Airport in San Salvador. Some of the most common and affordable flights come from these major cities. Top cities with direct flights to San Salvador include Houston, Dallas, Washington D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles.

What is the best way to travel around El Salvador?

Getting around once travelers have landed in El Salvador can be costly if visitors aren't savvy. By far, the cheapest option for those who have arrived at the airport to get to the heart of San Salvador is public bus. There are multiple bus depots at the airport. Some travelers may find this option challenging, as space is limited for luggage. Taxis and mini-buses are offered and can be found throughout the airport and in the cities, offering slightly more expensive, yet more comfortable, rides around town.

What are some things to do in El Salvador?

Situated between Guatemala and Honduras, the tiny country of El Salvador may seem small, but there is still a wealth of things to do for travelers who make the trek to this Central American haven. One of the top attractions in the area is the Santa Ana Volcano. This natural wonder is a prime spot for hiking and is located in the Cerro Verde National Park. Coffee lovers will enjoy a tour of a local coffee plantation, with authentic Central American coffee. The Mayan Ruins are another huge attraction for visitors, offering plenty of rich culture and history of this ancient area. While San Salvador is the largest city in the country, the second largest is Santa Ana, and it offers a small city square and the beautiful Santa Ana Cathedral. The city of San Salvador is also a great place to explore, with everything from restaurants to nightlife.

Do I need a passport or visa to fly to El Salvador?

When taking a trip to El Salvador by plane from the United States, visitors do not need a visa for stays less than 90 days. United States citizens are required to travel to El Salvador with a valid US passport.

How popular are flights to El Salvador this year?

This year has seen a 148% increase in flight searches for El Salvador.

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Cheapest flights to El Salvador

Not set on El Salvador? See the cheapest flights to United States. Airfare prices updated on November 25, 2021.

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How Much Is a Plane Ticket to El Salvador


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