How to Treat a Boil on the Face

Furuncle - a purulent skin abscess, which occurs within an infected hair follicle and usually it proceeds with the formation of a large amount of pus and partial necrosis of the surrounding follicle tissues. Often boils occur at a young age from 12 to 40 years.

Boil on the face is formed much more frequently than the other areas of the body (according to statistics about 65% of all boils are formed on the face). It can also occur on the chest, back, buttocks, groin, scalp, armpits.

If at the same time formed a few closely spaced boils, it is already a defeat called term - carbuncle. If the boils are formed at you with surprising regularity, such a disease is called a term Furunculosis.

What it is?

Boil - it is an acute disease of the skin with the formation of pus in the affected area in different parts of the body. Typically, the process has a necrotic character in which there is not only inflammation of the tissues, but also the process of inflammation of the hair follicle, where all begins pathological process.

Start takes over folliculitis, Followed by the spread of the surrounding connective tissue. But the boil of folliculitis is distinguished not only vast area of ​​destruction, but the clinical manifestations.

developmental stage

furuncle development cycle consists of three phases:

  1. Step infiltrate. The skin over the focus of infection and around the compacted red, swells. In this place there are painful. In the infiltration center you can see the hair follicle. Familiar terminology - "the maturing of the boil."
  2. Step necrosis. Shown 3-4 day development. Around the hair follicle is formed with inflamed "core", which consists of necrotic (dead) tissue and pus. On the surface of the skin appears white convex abscess. Thin tissue membrane covering it is opened, and the pus out rejected. The patient in this case feels relief and pain reduction. Decreases swelling, redness is reduced. The term traditional medicine, refers to the process - a "breakthrough boil."
  3. Step healing. Formed after the rejection of "the rod" skin defect, resembling an ulcer heals. After large boils scars, scars.

On average, the complete cycle of development and wound furuncle is about 10 days.

It looks like a boil: photo

Talk about what you will boil, it is possible in the case of observing the following:

  • reddening of the skin area;
  • appearance of hillocks in the middle with a seal located in the hair follicle;
  • subsequently, increased swelling surrounding tissues that become hot to the touch;
  • pain at the slightest touch or movement of the body;
  • in the center of pustule is formed with a rod, which is pus.

The photo below shows how to manifest the disease in humans:

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When should always consult a doctor?

Do not self-medicate, for diagnosis and treatment is necessary to be treated by a dermatologist. Especially it can not be treated independently and is only folk remedies, if:

  1. Boil occurs again in the same place. For the treatment may need removal of the sweat glands, which are the cause of recurring inflammation.
  2. Weakened by the patient - the patient has severe concomitant diseases (oncology, diabetes, etc.) Or he takes drugs that suppress the immune system.
  3. Severe course - in cases where the boil causes severe pain and is accompanied by fever, severe edema, headache and other symptoms of severe infection.

You can not squeeze a boil

As boil filling its surface begins to thin, and for faster recovery of the patient may try to pierce it with the needle or other sharp object to release the pus.

This can not be done, because with careless or deeper puncture infected pus can penetrate into the adjacent tissues or the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. It is also possible that the rod will remain inside the part that lead to a chronic process, and frequent relapses furunculosis. Boil must be filled, and to break their own. This usually occurs within 1 - 2 weeks.

boils treatment at home

Single inflammation that are not on the face area can be treated at home. To do this, apply the ointment, pulling pus, and folk remedies. With the proper observance of the recommendations of the boil should heal within a week.

The treatment regimen boil at home:

  • In the initial stage must be regularly cleaned inflammation aniline dye solution 3-4 times a day. In this case, make sure that the boil was dry, and change the gauze bandages that protect against outside intrusion inflammation infections.
  • Upon the occurrence of infiltration stage, which is characterized by redness and swelling of useful ultraviolet irradiation. At home, you can sunbathe in the sun.
  • To ulcer quickly matured, once a day ihtiolovaya ointment applied. It is applied gently, taking care not to injure the inflammation. Then cover with cotton wool, which pribintovyvayut gauze compress and hold 6-9 hours.
  • After ulcer will reveal, the wound is disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. Subsequently to complete healing of the area treated with furuncle solution of sodium chloride several times per day.

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Ointment for abrasions

When furunculosis mainly applied ointment containing antibacterial agents.

Title instruction
gentamicin Description: Ointment in tubes of 15 to 80 g Gentamicin - an antibiotic effective in many types of infections, including staph.

Method of application: Apply boils at location 2 - 3 times per day. Treatment usually lasts 7 - 14 days.

chloramphenicol Description. Chloramphenicol powerful antibiotic, has a marked effect in purulent processes. Available topical epicutaneous application with furunculosis a liniment (thick mass such as ointments). Sold in tubes of 25 and 30 grams, in banks to 25, and '60

How to use: Make the dressing with levomitsetinovym liniment, changed every day.

tetracycline Description: Tetracycline - a broad spectrum antibiotic. Effective against many types of microorganisms, including staphylococci. Available in tubes of 100 g

1 application method. Apply a small amount of the ointment on the location of boils 2 - 3 times a day.

levomekol Description. Levomekol not only has a pronounced anti-bacterial properties, but also stimulates the regeneration of tissues. So it is used for large penetrated boils to accelerate the purification and healing.

How to use: Soak ointment, sterile gauze and apply it to the wound. Apply a bandage. Exercise bandages daily.

dimexide Description. Medical drug belonging to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It eliminates the inflammation, soreness.

Method of application: Wet Dimexidum sterile gauze. Attach to the boil location, put a bandage. Do dressings daily.

sintomitsina Description. Sintomitsina - an antibiotic, which by its chemical structure, is strongly reminiscent of chloramphenicol. Available also as a liniment in banks of 25 g

Mode of application. Apply liniment in the region boils location. Superimposed on the bandage. Produce dressings daily.


Antibacterial agents for the treatment of boils:

  • "Tseporin" (taken twice daily, one tablet, has a traditional antibiotics contraindications, used in the treatment of ulcers, not only on the skin surface, but also eliminates the boil interior);
  • "Erythromycin" (recommended to be taken twice a day, one tablet; drug efficacy may be reduced as a result of rapid body habituation to the components; not recommended for diseases of the digestive system and the kidneys, individual intolerance);
  • "Cephalexin" (dosage is chosen according to the instructions helps fight boils; It recommended a specific treatment; It has the typical contra - idiosyncrasy of some diseases).

Methods of treatment of boils different pills some nuances. As an antibiotic can be used with any means necessary to effect, but when a chronic ulcers formation reception of such drugs or vitamins supplemented, strengthens immunity. Prolonged treatment with potent drugs can cause abnormal operation of certain body systems.

surgical removal

Surgical intervention in the propagation of purulent shown in subcutaneous tissue infiltration with abscess formation volume. In this case, the autopsy, surgical and rehabilitation hearth (cleaning abscess cavity). The intervention is performed in the operating room of a hospital.

Antibiotics for boils are matched only by the doctor, depending on the sensitivity of a staph infection to them, as well as the tolerance of the patient. Also, anti-microbial agents are used topically in the long process of healing.

boil treatment of the child is carried out in the same way as that of an adult.

Folk remedies

Boils are often treated with folk remedies. And they give a very good effect, especially if you start to treat the inflammatory process in the beginning.

  1. Medical honey cake. Mix teaspoon chicken yolk dessert honey (not crystallized), 5 g butter (salt-free) and knead soft dough, gradually adding flour. The cake is applied to chiryu and secured with a bandage or plaster. The dough for the procedure is prepared and applied on a daily basis, until the complete removal of pyogenic masses.
  2. Pulling pus using aloe or "agave". Young gentle sheet is cut, removed spines and kneaded. Impose on the boil bandage, which change the 5 - 6 times a day. When all processes are accelerated ripening boils, abscess and quickly opened. Used at any stage. When not run up a furuncle in the early stages can be completely subsided inflammation.
  3. Onion. Peeled onions baked in the oven until soft and cut in half. Warm applied to mate boils, treated with hydrogen peroxide, and a gauze bandage fixed. The bulb needs to be changed once a day to complete the outflow of pus from the wound. During dressing changes do not forget to handle the affected tissues peroxide.
  4. Buckwheat porridge on the water. Boiled buckwheat is also used to treat boils. Spoon very thick porridge spread on the gauze is applied to the inflamed site, changing to fresh mixture after 4 h.

Complete disappearance of the boil takes 3 days to a few weeks. With increasing temperature, severe pain, with chronic diseases, seek medical attention. Home treatment is intended only to simple forms of the disease course and are particularly effective in the initial stage of inflammation.

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Most boils heal without medical intervention or complications. However, in rare cases, a boil can lead to severe consequences, such as sepsis. This complication can lead to severe infectious affections of the heart, lungs, kidneys, bones, joints, brain, and even death. Furuncle may also lead to scarring after wound healing.

Improper use of antibiotics may cause MRSA (metitsellin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus). In this case, the treatment can be very difficult and time-consuming, and the risk of spread of infection throughout the body - increases many times.

When ineffective treatment, prolonged boil within self-medication may accumulate large amounts of pus, which may lead to the development of abscess furuncle. If it occurs on the face, it is possible to develop facial vein thrombophlebitis or angular nose veins. This condition can threaten the patient's life.

How to Treat a Boil on the Face


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